Manufacturing and Production
Streamline your entire manufacturing process from production planning and scheduling through sequencing and execution, monitoring and analysis, and improving efficiency along your entire value chain. It is designed to ease manufacturing systems management.
Work Orders
Work Orders is designed for manufacturing firms that require work order processing, component allocation, routing, and Material Requirement Planning (MRP) features. Work Orders can be automatically generated from sales order requirements, inventory shortages, or inventory forecast requirements. By defining work centers and operation steps, users can create flexible labor routes.

Production Entry
Production Entry is designed for companies that need a bill of materials (BOM), sales kit, configuration, or backflush processing but don't require the allocation of components. It supports unlimited levels of materials and real-time costing from the Inventory Module. Modular and variable BOM types can handle product configuration issues with speed and flexibility and maintain fewer BOMs.​

Shop Control
Shop Control provides shop floor capacity scheduling, simulation planning capabilities, and WIP tracking for production managers who require Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II). It imports open work orders with defined routes, identifies bottlenecks, and calculates work order completion dates.​
Project Accounting
Project Accounting provides a tool for job cost management. Its design allows up to four levels of cost tracking with project, phases, category, and cost-type definition. The job account mask supports the optional use of phrases and/or categories, and cost-types are user-definable.​​

Forecasting and Master Production Scheduling
Forecasting and Master Production Scheduling (MPS) is included with the Material Requirements Planning module and is designed to assist manufacturers and distributors with day-to-day control, long-range planning, and decision making. Forecasting and MPS support businesses that operate multiple, mixed-mode strategies simultaneously.​
Forecasting & Master Production Scheduling functionality includes:
Forecasting – Forecasts can be generated from multiple historical sources (e.g., sales, invoice, and inventory usage history). Users can also manually enter forecasts for companies, plants, customers, dates, and parts, cut-and-paste from other applications into the forecast system, or generate forecasts from multiple historical sources. Another option is to export and import forecasts to and from other applications or customers. Import options allow forecasts to be broken down by part, customer, plant, date, and company.
Forecast Buckets – Bucket forecasts for variable periods: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.
Forecast Analysis – Forecast any number of variables (e.g., revenue) rather than just forecasting product units. Forecasting allows any number of tiers to be forecast and analyzed (e.g., forecasting product units by company, state, city, and customer).
Inter-Company – Trading Dynamically accepts forecasts from other companies within the enterprise. This allows companies to give visibility to the supply company of future demand without needing to raise a firm intercompany order.
Master Production Schedule – Perform an iterative process of entering a planned schedule, viewing the effect on your resources, then modifying the plan until you have achieved an optimal schedule. Manually enter or cut-and-paste MPS from other applications or automatically generate the MPS from the forecast.
Driving Capacity and Raw Material Procurement – Make and alter MPS decisions based on constraints. Both forecasting and MPS can independently drive future demand.